Hex #6
A massive stone archway sits atop a hill in the middle of the hex. The hill is dotted with ruined and broken stone slabs covered in unknowable runes. The hill is ringed with a rotten wooden palisade patrolled by reanimated skeletons wearing morion helmets and carrying spears. Their eye sockets glow with green moss.
The center of the stone archway is empty from the southeast; from the northwest the center of the arch appears to be filled with a thick, rippling liquid that glows a harsh purple and hums with magical energy.
The perimeter of the hex is dotted with pines that recede into stunted growth the farther one goes towards the center. Glowing moss clings to the sparse vegetation and crawls up the side of ruins like those at the hill. There is no weather here besides a wispy, persistent knee-high fog.
d6 encounters:
1d6+3 skeletons
Magnacta (magical giant spider)
1d4 lost adventurers
Crackling runes (see below)
Sky darkens, fog thickens (party becomes lost)
If #4 is rolled: players who try to decipher the runes must save. On a success, visions of the arch and beyond. On a fail, horror struck for 1d4 hours.
If the arch is entered through the northwest side it leads to a self-contained aberrant dimension of 4 3-mile hexes.